Главная » 2007 » Сентябрь » 8 » Для тех, кому надо "размять" язык
Гость. Для тех, кому надо "размять" язык 08.09.2007, Суббота
How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck
If a wood-chuck could chuck wood?

Fair-haired Sarah stares warily at the hairy bear, glaring from his lair.

Soames never boasts of what he knows but Rose never knows of what she boasts.

There's no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.

Smile a while and while you smile,
Others'll smile and then there'll be miles of smiles.

Three crooked cripples
Went through Cripplegate,
And through Cripplegate
Went three crooked cripples.

Five fit fishers shipped six thick fish dishes.
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