Hi! How are you? Are you having a good day? I'm doing fine. Let's get started with Day 2 of your email course.
"No word seems to be enough to explain to you my happiness when I received these lessons." --Antoine Jean Penel, France
**Rule 2: A Story From Angelina
"My name is Angelina and I'm a student from Paraguay. When I started learning with A.J., I couldn't speak any English. I had studied English grammar many years, but I couldn't speak.
The first day with A.J.'s Effortless English I thought I would study grammar. However, he surprised me because he never taught grammar rules.
Instead, he told a story. He told it many times, in a strange way. He constantly asked questions, and I answered the questions. The questions were super-easy.
Honestly, I was a little confused. I thought he was kind of a crazy teacher :) I thought I needed to learn more grammar.
I continued with Effortless English and then, after only two weeks, something amazing happened. My speaking improved! My friends asked me, 'How are you improving so quickly?'
I realized that A.J. was quite clever, and the stories and questions and articles were teaching me to speak English, without studying grammar rules. Wow!"
Angelina is a great student. She learned extra fast because she listened to Effortless English 5 hours a day. However, you can improve with just one hour a day.
You can get the same results... but you must follow Rule 2.
"I began Effortless English 5 months ago. I work with General Electric as a contractor. Well, I went to Atlanta, GA, USA last November (a whole month!) for training purposes. I was very surprised because I realized that the method works. I felt confident and relaxed all the time. During the meetings I could understand 90% of the conversation. When I spoke, the words came out automatically." --Vicente Gonzalez, Mexico **RULE 2: Don't Study Grammar
Angelina quickly improved speaking-- when she stopped studying grammar. This is your second rule.
Stop studying grammar. Stop studying grammar.
Right now. Stop. Put away your grammar books and textbooks. Grammar rules teach you to think about English, you want to speak automatically-- without thinking!
With Effortless English, you learn English without grammar study. Your speaking improves quickly. You succeed. You speak English naturally.
So Rule 2 is: Don't Study Grammar!
"Before I knew you I looked for a lot programs and courses to improve my English, especially in speaking, but they didn't work. It was a waste of time and money. From now I am insisting on your lessons and am getting better!" --Ha Nguyen, Vietnam
*The Vital Secret For English Learning Power
In the next email, I will discuss the most important rule for speaking English easily.
Have a great day and continue to improve your English :)
Вы верите, что всего за несколько часов можно понять, как поставить правильное произношение, не изучая долго и нудно теоретическую фонетику, а всего-лишь поймав "фокус" языка?
Вы верите, что за несколько часов можно понять всю систему английских времен, которую безуспешно учат годами в школе, институте или на курсах?
Вы верите, что вместо скучных учебников можно заниматься по Вашим любимым фильмам и сериалам, испытывая при этом восторг и наслаждение от занятий английским?
Мы не только верим, а и твердо убеждены, так как уже сотни людей прошли по этому пути и поделились с нами своми успехами и достижениями!
И мы верим в Вас, потому что Вы легко научились говорить на языке, который на порядок сложнее английского!
Поэтому более простым и логичным английским Вы овладеете гораздо быстрее и легче! Конечно,если будете делать это правильно, естественным путем - моделируя носителей языка. Руководствуясь при этом не громоздкими правилами, а простыми и понятными визуальными моделями!
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