A telegram was sent from Czeckoslovakia to the Kremlin with a request to help in setting up a naval ministry. The Kremlin was bewildered by this request as Czeckoslovakia was landlocked so why do they need a naval ministry. So the Kremlin asks the Czeckoslovians: Comrades, why do you need a naval ministry? You people don't have any seas or oceans bordering your country! The reply: Comrades, we need this ministry, after all you people have a ministry for culture!
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Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1360 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 17.07.2008
Abu Shukri is driving his car through Damascus one day when a large black sedan with shaded windows bangs into him knocking off a pice of his car. Abu Shukri gets out and starts swearing "you idiot!". The black sedan's window winds down a few inches and a hand emerges giving him a card with a phone number, the sedan then drives off. Abu Shukri goes home, still fuming, and that evening he calls the number: "you ****ing moron, why don't you take driving lessons?". An icy voice on the other end says "Do
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Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1392 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 17.07.2008
Great book. Here is a joke from Hungary in the fifties. The Judges in a „Law” Court are having a coffee break. One of them sitting alone at a table suddenly bursts out laughing. The others look at him questioningly, and he explains: „My friends, I just heard the best political joke in my life, but unfortunately I can’t tell it to you, because I just gave someone three years for it.” http://timesonline.typepad.com/comment/2008/06
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Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1383 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 17.07.2008
Making a walk through Saint Petersburg a Russian friend pointed at what he called the tallest building of his city. Seing the surprise on my face, as the building was rather big but really not that tall, he explained : this used to be the KGB-headquarters and in the old times one could see Siberia from its cellars.
Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1372 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 16.07.2008
An old man is dying in his hovel on the steppes.
There is a menacing banging on the door.
‘Whose there?’ the old man asks.
‘Death ‘comes the reply.
‘Thank God for that,’ he says, ‘I thought Yeltsin had sold off my dacha to the liberal mafia before he'd even finish starving, freezing, medically-neglecting, and alcohol-poisoning me and a few million other Russians in the countryside to death with zero Western media coverage'.
Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1421 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 16.07.2008
Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1426 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 16.07.2008
Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1395 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 14.07.2008
Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1338 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 14.07.2008
Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1407 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 14.07.2008
When Bulganin & Kruschev visited UK in 1956 they looked around a factory. Talking to the workers, they asked what hours they worked : "We start at 8am, have an hour for dinner & leave at 5pm." "But, in Russia, we start at 6am, no break, & leave at 6pm," "You won't get them to do that here, mate" said the foreman, "they're all bleeding Communists!"
Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1371 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 13.07.2008
Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1363 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 13.07.2008
Philosophy is like looking for a black cat in a dark room. Marxist philosophy is like looking for a black cat in a dark room, only there is no cat. Marxist-Leninist philosophy is like looking for a black cat in a dark room, only there is no cat but every now and again you shout "I've got it, I've got it."
Категория: Юмор |
Просмотров: 1425 |
Добавил: sveta |
Дата: 13.07.2008