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    Начало » Статьи » Как выучить английский » Фонетика - английское произношение

    Новый продукт SoundSmart Training

    So you’re a native Russian speaker and advanced learner of English? Your English is fluent and you use it a lot in your professional, social, and personal life? Congratulations! Your achievement is impressive. Now it’s time to fine tune your skills, which will take you on an even higher level of the language proficiency.


    Sound Smart Training is proud to offer you a unique, discreet, and very personalized service:the professional assessment of your actual American English oral delivery.


    Is the impact you make when speaking English important to you? Do you want to make a really good and lasting impression on your potential or current employer, business partners or associates? How about delivering that great killer-presentation? Or maybe you just want to make every guest laugh at a wedding party or any other social gathering? It doesn’t even have to be a special occasion – you may simply want to improve your accent in North American English, which would be a prudent and wise investment into your personal and professional development, as well as your future. You never know what opportunities are waiting out there for you. You have to be ready.

    We can help!


    How it works

    You start by writing your speech. It would be better if you did it yourself, but we are always going to be there for you to suggest corrections and improvements should you ever need any. We could even write the whole speech for you – I have personally written a slew of tell-me-about-yourself type of speeches for fake job interviews, and even a “Father-of-the-bride” speech for a wedding in Boston a few years ago.

    If no topic comes to your mind, just take a passage from your favorite book or yank an article from the web – that simple. Yes, your speech could either be very specific, contain a lot of “shop talk”, or just be general in nature. It’s a great exercise, which is very useful for your English language skills development. No matter what – you can only win here. You’re safe with us.

    Then, practice your recording. Get the copy you think is the best and just send it to Sound Smart Training via e-mail. If we like the technical quality of your recording, we will take you from there. If not, we will suggest technical ways of making a decent recording.


    What you get

    Then your recording will be analyzed by at least two independent speech pathologists, ESL educators, accent reduction or public speaking specialists from the United States – always native speakers and trained experts in their field. You do need a professional native speaker to make a quality assessment of your speech.

    Further, we will combine their findings and suggestions into a customized feedback report. This report will contain suggested techniques for self-improvement.

    You don’t have to stop there – we will be honored to continue working with you and coach you via Skype, check your progress and give it another run of assessments, if you are only willing.

    You will get there – we guarantee it!


    How much it costs

    SoundSmart «Speech» is a time-based service – so we cannot tell you in advance. Be we will bill you in advance and confirm every step we take. There’s nothing we will do without your prior consent. We will do our best to minimize the cost for you by, for example, selecting American assessment experts which are more appropriate for your particular needs. This willeliminate the burden of having to pay for the most extravagant and – alas – expensive professionals if the same result could be achieved by a less costly provider. We will never sacrifice quality and efficacy, though. We are always looking for more providers in the United States and Canada; so we will always be able to offer you the most effective course of actions. The whole package could total at something like two or three hundred American dollars to a few thousand dollars – it all depends on your needs. You rule. A typical client can expect to spend about two to five hundred dollars.

    Please feel free to contact us should you need more information.


    Источник: http://sound-smart.com/?SoundSmart:%ABSpeech%BB
    Категория: Фонетика - английское произношение | Добавил: Sound-Smart (08.05.2009) | Автор: Dimitri Chapov
    Просмотров: 14737 | Комментарии: 2 | Рейтинг: 3.3 |
    Вы овладеете английским!
    • Вы верите, что всего за несколько часов можно понять, как поставить правильное произношение, не изучая долго и нудно теоретическую фонетику, а всего-лишь поймав "фокус" языка?
    • Вы верите, что за несколько часов можно понять всю систему английских времен, которую безуспешно учат годами в школе, институте или на курсах?
    • Вы верите, что вместо скучных учебников можно заниматься по Вашим любимым фильмам и сериалам, испытывая при этом восторг и наслаждение от занятий английским?
    Мы не только верим, а и твердо убеждены, так как уже сотни людей прошли по этому пути и поделились с нами своми успехами и достижениями!
    И мы верим в Вас, потому что Вы легко научились говорить на языке, который на порядок сложнее английского!
    Поэтому более простым и логичным английским Вы овладеете гораздо быстрее и легче! Конечно,если будете делать это правильно, естественным путем - моделируя носителей языка.
    Руководствуясь при этом не громоздкими правилами, а простыми и понятными визуальными моделями!

    Получите бесплатно материалы - подпишитесь на рассылку!
    Подписка на рассылку
    Никакого спама, гарантируем!

    Получите результат немедленно - приступайте к занятиям прямо сейчас!

    Получить Лингвокарты
    Никакого спама, гарантируем!


    Всего комментариев: 2
    2   [Материал]
    my name is gulnaz
    1   [Материал]
    How goes it, Dima?

    Been a real long time since I last heard from you, huh? I see you're still going out of your way trying to take some Russian twits to the cleaner's. Tell you what, fella. It's kind of getting much harder to find them around here these days. Surprisingly enough, but most creeps have become pretty smart or rather tight-fisted. D'you know why? Because of the crunch we're having in this country. Still, I wish you caught them in pleanty.

    Frankly yours,
    someone from btc-best.ru

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