Главная » 2008 » Июль » 07
I'm surprised that the only joke I'd previously heard about communism isn't already here.
A young man applies for membership of the Communist Party and has to face a selection committee.
Official: 'Welcome comrade, we are going to ask you a few questions to test your suitability. First question; comrade, what would you do if you owned two houses?'
Young man: 'Comrade, I would give one away to the poor.'
Official: 'Excellent answ ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Юмор | Просмотров: 1371 | Добавил: sveta | Дата: 07.07.2008 | Комментарии (0)

A man being mugged on a Moscow street warns his assailant "Comarade, I can prove categorically that in our society crime doesn't pay. (then to himself) On the other hand, I can also prove that in our society crime doesn't exist."
... Читать дальше »
Категория: Юмор | Просмотров: 1379 | Добавил: sveta | Дата: 07.07.2008 | Комментарии (0)

An East German joke from the late 1960s: A man comes before the Court. He has written on a public building: "Everyone working here is stupid." He receives three sentences: One month for defacing a public building; one year for defaming state employees; and five years for betraying a state secret.
Категория: Юмор | Просмотров: 1344 | Добавил: sveta | Дата: 07.07.2008 | Комментарии (0)