Главная » 2008 » Июль » 18
Moscow 1980, the opening ceremony of the Olympiad begins and Brezhev reads his opening speech.
- Oh!, he says, Oh. Oh!...
A worried aide whispers in his ear: - Comarade Brezhnev, it's Olympic rings, the speech is a bit lower.
Категория: Юмор | Просмотров: 1367 | Добавил: sveta | Дата: 18.07.2008 | Комментарии (0)

Indira Ghandi pays an official visit to Moscow and is greeted by Brezhnev who begins his welcoming speech reading from a paper in his hand.
'My dear Mrs Thatcher...' he begins. A worried aide whispers: 'Comrade Brezhnev, it's Ghandi!' Brezhnev whispers back: 'I know, you fool, but the paper says "Thatcher".
Категория: Юмор | Просмотров: 1428 | Добавил: sveta | Дата: 18.07.2008 | Комментарии (0)

Recalled from a kids' TV show in the seventies:

An inquisitive Soviet worker stops an English tourist in Red Square.
"So tell me," he demands, "what's it really like in the west?"
The tourist thinks for a moment then shrugs. "It's okay. You know, can't complain."
This surprises the worker. "Then it's just like over here. Can't complain either."
http://timesonline.typepad.com/comment/2008/06/top-ten-communi.html< ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Юмор | Просмотров: 1380 | Добавил: sveta | Дата: 18.07.2008 | Комментарии (0)