Главная » 2008 » Июль » 23

Three businessmen are rounded up and hauled before a Soviet Tribunal.

The Prosecutor brings the first man before the Judge, and says: 'Your Honor! This man is running a business and he makes a profit!'

The Judge immediately replies: 'Aha! A Capitalist! Five years in the Gulag!'

Pleased with this outcome, the Prosecutor brings the second man before the Judge, and says: 'Your Honor! This man is running a business and he is losing money!'

The Judge has to think about this a few minut ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Юмор | Просмотров: 1486 | Добавил: sveta | Дата: 23.07.2008 | Комментарии (1)

An old Polish man finds a magic bottle, and a genie pops out and offers him three wishes. The man thinks for a second and then says "I want Genghis Khan and his Mongol Horde to return from the grave and sack Warsaw, and then return home!" The genie agrees; undead warriors shall rise from the dust in Mongolia and make their way to Warsaw, raping and pillaging as they go, and when they reach the city the slaughter will be terrible.

The man thinks, and says "for my second wish, I want Genghis Khan to sac ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Юмор | Просмотров: 1441 | Добавил: sveta | Дата: 23.07.2008 | Комментарии (0)

An American Army colonel and a Russian Army general are bragging about how great their respective services are.

"In Russia," says the general, "we feed our men one thousand calories every day!"

"In America," replies the colonel, "we feed our men THREE thousand calories every day!"

"Nonsense!" exclaims the Russian. "Nobody can eat an entire sack of potatoes in twenty-four hours!"
Категория: Юмор | Просмотров: 1399 | Добавил: sveta | Дата: 23.07.2008 | Комментарии (0)