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    Начало » Статьи » Методы изучения иностранных языков » Методы словарных минимумов

    Краткий курс английского языка из 135 слов.

    Вашему вниманию предлагается интенсивный курс английского для тех, кто его учил, но подзабыл. Он построен на 135 словах, составляющих ядро английского языка, они дают ровно половину всех словоупотреблений в современной речи. Это артикли, предлоги, союзы, местоимения, наречия, вспомогательные глаголы, то есть слова, которые организуют сообщение. Они способны сочетаться с другими словами, встречаются в любой фразе, в любом тексте. Выучите их и вы никогда не пропадете в англоязычной стране или компании.

    Выпишите себе перевод всех 135 слов, см.cписок ниже. Чтобы быстро заучить их, подготовьте себе "четки" из 135 пластиковых пластин размером 15ммх50мм, нанижите их с одной стороны на шнур или цепочку и нанесите на разных сторонах английские слова и их русский перевод. Перебирайте эти четки в любой последовательности, снимая с цепочки/шнура уже выученные слова - скорость обращения к незнакомым словам возрастает и они быстро заучиваются. Если не хочется возиться с четками, нарежьте прямоугольники из твердой бумаги и носите блоки слов с собой, чтобы в течение дня, можно было их учить.

    a, above, about, after, again, all, also, an, and, as, at, are, across, although, any, against,
    back, be, been, being, before, between, but, by,
    can, could, come,
    did, do, don't
    find, first, from, for
    get, go,
    his, had, here, he, have, her, has, him, how,
    I, if, into, in, is, its, it,
    little, like
    make, may, many, me, my, more, much, most
    not, now, no, new, nothing
    of, old, on, one, only, out, other, or, over, our
    part, place, people, present
    said, she, so, some, should, see, sir, shall, same, such, still, state
    take, the, to, that, they, this, there, their, them, then, these, time, two, tell, thing, through, though, than, think,
    under, upon, up, use, us
    want, was, way, well, were, we, will, with, which, what, where, when, who, work, would
    you, your, year

    В принципе за один день заучиваются 100 слов. Правда, здесь слова не самые легкие для заучивания, да и забываются 100 слов так же быстро, как и заучиваются, поэтому не циклитесь на заучивании одних слов, а читайте и переводите построенные нами фразы, стройте свои фразы, отвечайте на подготовленные нами вопросы и стройте свои, пока полностью не овладеете всем блоком из 135 слов.

    По мере того, как растет в длину построенное вами по предлагаемому шаблону предложение, у вас в голове оседают куски этих предложений. Старайтесь, как можно дольше, использовать только эти 135 слов в построении фраз. Комбинируйте слова и словосочетания в самых различных вариантах и вы сможете объясниться в любой ситуации.

    Когда вы ими полностью овладеете и вариантов построения больше не останется, хотя это трудно представить, добавьте к ним 100 самых популярных глаголов английского языка, который дается здесь и продолжайте работать по этим и аналогичным шаблонам. На этом этапе можете добавлять во фразы слова, которые вы знали раньше. На следующем этапе добавьте 500 самых популярных слов, см.здесь, реально это будет около 300 слов, т.к. вам уже будут знакомы там 135 популярных слов и 100 популярных глаголов.

    Надо не только писать, но и читать готовые фразы. Мы постараемся в будущем прикрепить к готовым фразам звуковые файлы, чтобы вам было легче заучивать их. Обязательно слушайте английскую речь в записи, по телевизору или радио, даже если вы там большую часть не понимаете. Выбирайте для этого записи с известным вам содержанием, например любимые песни, см. список здесь, или фильмы, список дается здесь.

    За 3-4 недели активных занятий все эти шаблоны осядут в вашей памяти и вы сможете по аналогии с ними строить нужные вам фразы и общаться на английском. Грамматикой займетесь, когда вас на нее потянет. Помните, что изучение языка, как плавание по реке против течения - как только остановился, тебя сносит вниз, поэтому не останавливайтесь: если надоело что-то учить, переключитесь на другой вид работы - подпевайте любимым певцам на английском, читайте сценарии любимых фильмов, даже, если вы там не все понимаете, книги, см.здесь. Ну, а кто почувствовал в себе силы, может начинать читать технические тексты, которые мы предлагаем для каждой специальности, см. здесь. Пишите нам на English @neftegazkadry.ru, если у вас возникнут вопросы, и мы будем корректировать и совершенствовать этот курс.

    Вот и вся теория, дальше сами и до встречи у нас в офисе на интервью.

    Упражнение 1

    a, about, after, all, and, across, again, back, be, before, come, did, do, don't, find, for, him, I, in, is, it, know, little, me, my, much, now, nothing, over, our, part, place, people, see, should, still, take, to, that, they, this, their, then, there, want, well, when, where, work, you, year (51)

    I know.
    I know it.
    I know you.
    I know them.
    I know this place.
    I know this place well.
    I know that place.
    I know that place well.
    I know that part of the place.
    I know that part of the place well.
    I know that part of the place a little.
    I know little about that place.
    I know little about that part of the place.
    I know all about that part of the place.
    I know nothing about that part of the place.
    I know about you.
    I know all about you.
    I know their place.
    I know their place well.
    I know little about it.
    I know about it a little.

    Do you know me?
    Do you know this place?
    Do you know that place?
    Do you know that place well?

    Did you know him?
    Did you know this place?
    Did you know him before?
    Did you know this place before?
    Did you know this place well?
    Did you know him well?

    I do not know him.
    I don't know him.
    I don't know him well.
    I don't know this place well.
    I don't know him after all.

    After all I don't know him.
    After all I don't know this place.
    After all I don't know this place well.
    After all I don't know this place very well.
    After all I don't know these people.

    I want it.
    I want her.
    I want you.
    I want you to be there.
    I want him to be here.
    I want her to be in that place.
    I want them to be in that place before I find him.
    I want us to be in that place before I find him there.
    I want you to find him before I see him here.
    I want this.
    I want that.
    I want this place.
    I want this part of the place.
    I want it back.
    I want it before I come there.
    I want it after I come here.
    I want to find it.
    I want to see it.
    I want to take it.
    I want nothing.

    When do you want him?
    When do you want him to be here?
    When do you want him to be there?
    When do you want him to be in that place?
    When do you want him to be in our place?
    When do you want him to be over that place?
    When do you want him to be across that place?

    Where do you work?
    Where do you work now?
    Where did you find him?
    Where did you see it?
    Where did you see him?
    Where did you take him to?
    Where did you place it?

    I work in that place.
    I work in that place now.
    I found him in that place.
    I saw him in this place.
    I worked in this place.
    I worked in that place.

    Take my people back.
    Take my people back to that place.
    Take my people back to that place now.
    Take my people to that place this year.
    Take my people to that place after we find it.
    Take my people to that place after we are back.
    Take my people to that place again.
    Take my people back to that place where there is much work.
    Take my people back to that place where there is still much work.
    Take my people back to that place where there is still much work for all.
    Take my people back to that place where there is still much work for all of us.
    Take my people back to that place where there is still much work for all of us, we should see it.
    Take my people back to that place where there is still much work for all of us this year, we should see it.

    Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
    Take him back...
    Take her...
    Take me...
    Take us...
    Take all of us ...
    Take most of my people...
    Take him only...
    I know…
    I know little…
    When do you…
    When did you…
    Do you know…
    Did you know…
    Did you see…
    Did you find…
    Did you …

    Упражнение 2

    at, from, get, go, here, how, may, many, not, present, some, sir, them, thing, time, two, up, us, your (19)

    This place is not for many people.
    This place is for us.
    This place is for them.
    This place is for you and me.
    This place is for very many people.
    This place is not for very many people.
    This place is not for very many people at present.
    This place is not for very many people now.
    This place is not for very many people this year.
    Sir, this place is not for very many people this year.

    At present this place is for us.
    At present this place is for them.
    At present that place is not for many people.
    At present that place is for very many people.
    At present some of us like this place.
    Sir, at present some of us like this place.

    Some of us are from this place, some are not.
    Some of us are here for the first time, some are not.
    Some of us like this place, some don't (do not).
    Some of us know this place well, some don't.
    Sir, some of us know this place well, some don't.

    Many of us are from this place, but some are not.
    Many of us are here for the first time, but some are not.
    Many of us like this place, but some don't (do not).
    Many of us know this place well, but some don't.
    Sir, many of us know this place well, but some don't.

    Get up and go!
    You two, get up and go!
    You two, get up and go from here!
    You two, get up and find him!
    You two, get up and find him there!
    You two, get up and find him there this time!

    Take your time, don't go!
    Take your things and go! Now!
    Sir, may I go?
    May I go now?
    May I go there now?
    You may go there now.
    You may go there now.
    You may get up and go.
    You may get up and go there.
    You may get up and go there now.
    Yes, you may go.
    Yes, you may go there.
    Yes, you may go there now.

    From here we go there.
    From here we go to that place.
    From here we go to that place with you.
    From here we go to that place with her.
    From here we go to this place with him.

    How do you do it?
    How do we get there?
    How do I get there?
    How do they get there?
    How do you get there?
    How does he get there?
    How does she get there?
    How does it get there?

    Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
    Come and take my....
    Now come and take my...
    I know you can take us back with you...
    But you know you can take us...
    Could you come and take us ....
    Some people say that you can come and take ...
    Take your time to take us back to...
    They know now how to…
    Some of us…
    Take your things…
    Very many people…
    How do…
    Where do you…

    Упражнение 3

    against, can, could, here, if, like, no, new, old, shall, same, way, will, which, would (15)

    Which way should I go?
    Which way should I go now?
    Which way should I go from here?
    Which way should I go to that place?

    Which way can I go there?
    Which way can I go now?
    Which way can I go from here?
    Which way can I go to that place?

    Which way could I go there?
    Which way could I go now?
    Which way could I go from here?
    Which way could I go to that place?

    Which way will he go there?
    Which way will he go now?
    Which way will he go from here?
    Which way will he go to that place?

    Which way did he go?
    Which way did I go?
    Which way did we go?
    Which way did they go?
    Which way did you go?
    Which way did she go?

    We went the same way.
    They went the same way.
    He went the same way.
    She went the same way.

    We went the old way.
    We went the new way.
    We went my way.

    I do it my way.
    You do it your way.
    He does it his way.
    She does it her way.
    They do it our way.
    They do it my way.

    Do it now!
    Can you do it?
    Can you do it now?
    Can you do it later?
    Can you do it this time?
    Can you do it this year?
    Can you do it again?
    Can you do it later?
    Can you do it like me?
    Can you do it with a lot of people present?
    Can you do it with a lot of people before you?
    Can you do it against him?
    Can you do it before I go?
    Can you do it before we get him?
    Can you do it after we get him?
    Can you do it after we get this thing?
    Can you do it after we get that thing?
    Can you do it after we get that thing for me?
    Can you do it after we get that thing for me and for you?
    Can you do it after we get that thing for me, for you and for all?
    Can you do it after we get there?
    Can you do it the other way?
    Can you do it the old way?
    Can you do it the new way?
    Can you do it the same way?
    Can you do it at all?

    Do you like to it?
    Do you like to do it?
    Do you like to do it now?
    Do you like to do it this time?
    Do you like to do it this time/
    Do you like to do it again?
    Do you like to do it his way?
    Do you like to do it her way?
    Do you like to do it my way?
    Do you like to do it their way?
    Do you like to do it the new way?
    Do you like to do it the old way?
    Do you like to do it the same way?
    Do you like to do it the other way?

    Would you like to do it?
    Would you like to do it with me?
    Would you like to do it now?
    Would you like to do it this time?
    Would you like to do it this time/
    Would you like to do it again?
    Would you like to do it his way?
    Would you like to do it her way?
    Would you like to do it my way?
    Would you like to do it their way?
    Would you like to do it the new way?
    Would you like to do it the old way?
    Would you like to do it the same way?
    Would you like to do it the other way?

    No, I would not.
    No, I would not like to do it.
    No, I would not like to do it now.
    No, I would not like to do it this time.
    No, I would not like to do it again.
    No, I would not like to do it this way.
    No, I would not like to do it that way.
    No, I would not like to it my way.
    No, I would not like to it her way.
    No, I would not like to it his way.
    No, I would not like to it the new way.
    No, I would not like to it the old way.
    No, I would not like you to do it the same way.
    No, I would not like you to do it the other way.
    No, I wouldn't.
    No, I wouldn't like to do it.
    No, I wouldn't like to do it now.
    No, I wouldn't like to do it this time.
    No, I wouldn't like to do it again.
    No, I wouldn't like to do it this way.
    No, I wouldn't like to do it that way.

    Yes, I would like to do it.
    Yes, I would like to do it.
    Yes, I would like to do it now.
    Yes, I would like to do it this time.
    Yes, I would like to do it again.
    Yes, I would like to do it this way.
    Yes, I would like to do it that way.

    Shall I see you there?
    Shall I see you there again?
    Shall I see you in that place?
    Shall I see you only?
    Shall I see you when I get there?
    Shall I see you this time?
    Shall I see you?

    Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
    Would you like to see…
    Can you get…
    Can you go…
    Can she go…
    Can he go…
    Shall I like…
    Which way should he…
    Shall I go…
    I like …
    This place…
    Sir, should we…
    At present…

    Упражнение 4

    but, each, first, her, see (5)

    Shall I see you?
    Not now, I have work to do. But you can do it. Do it. Now! Is this the first time you do it?
    Yes, Sir!
    Sir, can you do it?
    Sir, can you do it now?
    Sir, can you do it again please?
    Sir, can you do it with her please?
    Sir, can you do it there please?
    Sir, can you do it here please?
    Sir, may I do it?
    Sir, may I do it again please?
    Sir, may I do it with her please?
    Sir, may I do it there please?
    Sir, may I do it here please?

    You may take my people back.
    You may take my people back to that place.
    You may take my people back to that place now.
    Some people think you may take my people back.
    Some people think you may take my people back to that place.
    Some of us work in this place, some of us don't.
    Some of us work in this place again, some of us don't.
    Some of us work in this place this year, some of us don't.
    Some of us work in this place today, some of us don't.
    Some of us work in this place now, some of us don't.
    Some of us think they can work in this place this year, some of us don't.
    Some of you think they can work in this place this year, some of you don't.
    Some of you think they can work in that place this year, some of you don't.

    Which of you think they can work in this place this year?
    Which of you think they can work in this place today?
    Which of you think they can work in this place now?
    Now, which of you think they can work in this place this year?
    Now, which of you think they can work in this place today?

    I like to take my people back.
    I like to take my people back to that place.
    I like to take my people back to that place now.

    I would like to think that you do it for her.
    I would like to think that you do it for me.
    I would like to think that you do it for them.
    I would like to think that you do it to me.
    I would like to think that you do it my way.
    I would like to think that you do it his way.
    I would like to think that you do it their way.
    I would like to think that you do the new way.
    I would like to think that you do the old way.
    I would like to think that you do it to her the old way.
    I would like to think that you do it to her the new way.
    I would like to think that you do it to her the new way .

    Each time I come here I see you.
    Each time I come here I think I see her.
    Each time I come to that place I see her there.
    Each time I come to that place I see her there again.

    From time to time I come here.
    From time to time I come here and see him.
    From time to time I come here and see her.
    From time to time I come here and see her with him.
    From time to time I come here and see them.

    Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
    We like to take…
    He would like to think that…
    Which of you think that…
    Some of them…
    First of all I want…
    First time …
    From time to time…
    She may take…
    We would like to…
    Each time…

    Упражнение 5

    any, have, of, one, only, tell, through, think, with, what (10)

    Do you think you can do it?
    Do you think they can do it?
    Do you think she can do it?
    Do you think he can do it?
    Do you think I can do it?
    Do you think we can do it?
    Do you think we can do it now?
    Do you think we can do it again?
    Do you think we can do it there?
    Do you think we can do it here?
    Do you think we can do it any time?
    Do you think we can do it any time you like?
    Do you think they have it?
    Do you think we have it?
    Do you think you have it?
    Do you think he has it?
    Do you think she has it?
    Do you think they have it again?
    Do you think we have it again?
    Do you think you have it again?
    Do you think he has it now?
    Do you think she has it now?

    Tell me what you want.
    Tell me what you want now.
    Tell me what you want here.
    Tell me what you want in that place?

    Only one of you can do it.
    Only one of you can do it now.
    Only one of you can go there.
    Only one of you can go there again.
    Only one of you can go there with him.
    Only one of you can go there with him now.

    I don't want to go through it.
    I don't want to go through it now.
    I don't want to go through it again.
    I don't want to go through it again.
    I don't want him to go through it again.
    I don't want her to go through it again.
    I don't want them to go through it again.

    They like your way.
    They like the way you do it.
    They like the way you do it to him.
    I know they like the way you do it to him.
    I know they like the way you do it to him here.
    I know they like the way you do it to him there.
    I know they like the way you do it to him there again.
    I know they like the way you do it to him there again this year.

    Take your time to take my people back.
    Take your time to get there.
    Take your time to come here.
    Take your time to come to that place.
    Take your time to come to my place.
    Take your time to come to her place.

    First find from him who said it. After all we must know it.
    First tell me if you like it.
    First tell me if you get it.
    First tell me if you have got it.
    First tell me if you have got it now.
    First tell me if you can get it now.
    First tell me if you can get it later.
    First tell me if you can get it for me.
    First tell me if you can get it for me now.
    First tell me if you can get it for me now or later.
    First tell me if you can get it for me this time.
    First tell me if you can get it for me this year.

    Which way should we go?
    Which way should we go now?
    Which way should we go to that place?
    Which way should we go to that place now?
    Which way should we go to that place later?
    Which way should we go later?
    Which way should we go from here?

    After all, Sir, he should not come here any more.
    After all, Sir, he should not come here later.
    After all, Sir, he should not come here at all.
    After all, Sir, he should not come here this year.
    After all you two must not come here.
    After all you two must not come here any more.

    Now and then I go there.
    Now and then you go there.
    Now and then they go there.
    Now and then we go there.
    Now and then we all go there.

    Now and then we come here.
    Now and then we come there.
    Now and then we come to that place.
    Now and then they come to that place.

    Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
    First tell us when…
    Now and then…
    Which way should…
    Do you think…
    We don't want…
    Tell me where…
    After all…
    Take your time…

    Упражнение 6

    above, being, between, most, on, said, she, such, state, these, under, was, who (13)

    Above all she wants to be with him.
    Above all she wants to be there.
    Above all she wants to be there with him.
    Above all she wanted to be there.
    Above all she wanted to be there under him.
    Above all she wanted to be there on him.
    Above all she wanted to be there with him.
    Above all she wanted to be there between them.

    Who knows, maybe she was there.
    Who knows, maybe she was there with him.
    Who knows, maybe she was there with them.
    Who knows, maybe she was there under him.
    Who knows, maybe she was there between them.
    Who knows maybe she likes it.
    Who knows maybe she likes it there.
    Who knows maybe she likes it there with him.
    Who knows maybe she likes it there with them.
    Who knows maybe she likes it there with both of them.

    Who knows, maybe they were there.
    Who knows, maybe they were there with him.
    Who knows, maybe they were there with her.
    Who knows, maybe they were there with them.
    Who knows, maybe they were there under him.
    Who knows, maybe they were there between them.

    Who knows maybe these people like it.
    Who knows maybe these people like it there.
    Who knows maybe these people like it there with him in such state.
    Who knows maybe these people like it there with them in such state.
    Who knows maybe these people like it there with both of them in such state.

    Both of them know that she likes it.
    Both of them know that she likes it there.
    Составляйте дальше фразы по образцу выше.

    Most of all she wants to be with him.
    Most of all she wants to be there.
    Most of all she wants to be there with him.
    Most of all she wanted to be there.
    Most of all she wanted to be there under him.
    Most of all she wanted to be there between them.
    Most of all she wanted to be there between them.

    Between you and me, I don't like being here.
    Between you and me, I don't like him being here .
    Between you and me, I don't like her being here .
    Between you and me, I don't like them being here .
    Between you and me, I don't like these people being here .
    Between you and me, I don't like these people being there .
    Between you and me, I don't like these people being there.
    I don't like them. You don't like them. He doesn't like them. She doesn't like them. Nobody likes them. Why should anybody like them? They are not the people you like. Like I said nobody likes them. Just like this.

    Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
    Most of all he…
    Both of you…
    Who knows, maybe…
    Between you and me…
    Above all they…
    Like I said most of all…

    Упражнение 7

    also, are, although, as, his, had, he, has, just, more, other, so, the, than, use, were, very (17)

    There were very many people in that place.
    Also there were very many people in that new place.
    Although there were very many people in that new place we liked it very much.
    Although there were very many people in that new place we went there. We just liked it. We liked it more than the old place. We didn't like the old place. The new place has more that the old place or the place across the road. The new place has more that the other places. I think that it had style. That's why we liked it. We can use it now. We can use the new place now that we know it. Now that we know it we can go there and use it. This is his place. He has had it since last year. He and his people have used it since last year.

    Between you and me, we must go there. Just get up and go there. It's a nice new place. Other people don't go there. Other people go to other places. She goes to other places. Her people go to this place again.

    So they are there.
    So they are there as his very good friends.
    She is there as his good friend too.
    As his good friend he works in his office.
    As his good friends they work in his office.
    As his good friend I work in his office.
    We are his good friends, we also work in his office.
    More and more people work in his office.
    More and more people use his office.
    Although more and more people use his office, they don't like it, they don't like his office.

    Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
    So he likes…
    There were so many…
    Although she has style…
    I think…
    We didn't like…
    We can…
    Just let them…
    As his old friend …
    More and more of us…
    Other people…

    Упражнение 8

    an, been, by, into, its, make, out, or, though, upon (10)

    The sun was high in the sky.
    An ant (муравей) has been out for so long.
    An ant has been out of its hole for so long.
    An ant has been out in the sun for so long.
    An ant has been out of its hole in the sun for so long.
    An ant has been out of its hole in the sun for so long but and it likes the sun.
    The ant went into its hole.
    Though the sun was high in the sky the ant went into its hole.

    I don't know where I want to go - here or there, this way or that way, now or then, with him or with her.

    Little by little I make my way through this place.

    Upon my word I know them well.
    Upon my word he is in that place.
    Upon my word I know he is there.

    Upon making my work I went to this place.
    Upon making my work I went to this place.
    Upon making my work I went to his place.
    Upon making my work I went to his place with her.

    By now I know him well.
    By now I know him very well.

    By that time I should be there.
    By that time I should know him well.
    By that time I should speak English.

    By now I know this place well.
    By now I know this place very well.

    Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
    By now she…
    By that time …
    Upon my word…

    Упражнение 9

    to be above it all, to be against, to be after, to be about, across from, back to back, before you can say Jack Robinson, before now, by then, by now, by that time, come about, come across, come again, come along, come between, come and go, come apart, come back, come in, make it,

    He is above it all.
    She is above it all.
    I am above it all.
    They are above it all.
    You must be above it all.

    I am against it.
    You are against it.
    He is against it.
    She is against it.
    We are against it.
    They are against it.

    They are after me.
    They are after him.
    They are after you.
    They are after her.

    That's what love is about.
    That's what work is about.
    That's what the old place is about.

    They live across from us.
    She sat across from me.

    We stood back to back.
    Back to back we can do.

    I can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.
    We can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.
    He can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.
    She can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.
    They can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.

    It was OK before now.
    He was OK before now.
    She was OK before now.

    I was there by then.
    He was there by then.
    She was in that place by then.
    They were in that place by then.

    I want to be there by that time.
    We want to be there by that time.
    He wants to be there by that time.
    They want to be there by that time.

    I must be in that part of the place by now.
    She must be with him by now.
    They must be there by now.
    We must be in that place by now.

    This can come about if we want it.
    It can come about if all of you want it.
    It can come about if you tell it to the people present.

    I came across him there.
    I came across her there.
    I came across them in that old place.
    I came across you because I know where you can be this year.

    Come with me.
    Come along with me.
    Come along with her.
    I want to come along with you.
    I want to come along with you to that place.

    Come back.
    Come back to me.
    Come back to this place.
    Come back with her to that place.

    I don't like people who come between me and my work.

    I come and go.
    She comes and goes.

    The place comes apart.

    She will never come back to him.
    He will never come back to her.
    We shall never come back to that place.

    Источник: http://www.neftegaskadry.ru/applicant/job-abroad/english/135.shtml/
    Категория: Методы словарных минимумов | Добавил: tivita (04.12.2007) | Автор: neftegaskadry
    Просмотров: 4617 | Рейтинг: 3.3 |
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