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    Метод И. Полонейчика [7]
    Метод О. Иванилова [19]
    Смарт-программа FINAL START
    Varich-метод. [2]
    Коммуникативный метод с высокотехнологичной организацией разговорного тренинга
    Метод Sound Smart [5]
    Прикладной упрощённый сравнительный логопедический подход к фонологии английского языка.
    Метод Китайгородской. [33]
    Метод активизации резервных возможностей
    Метод Г. Громыко [6]
    Метод И. Максименко [16]
    Личностно-ориентированный метод
    Метод У.Килпатрика [4]
    Метод И. Франка [15]
    Метод параллельных текстов
    Метод А. Сеймова [3]
    Метод Н. Замяткина [22]
    Метод В. Куринского [8]
    Метод Т. Байтукалова [15]
    Метод "Моделино"
    Метод Дениса Рунова [17]
    Метод Шехтера. [12]
    Эмоционально-смысловой метод
    Метод Шестова [6]
    Метод Ч. Фриза, Р. Ладо. [7]
    Метод общины (метод советника) [4]
    Метод Елены Хон [11]
    Метод Вотинова [5]
    Метод Драгункина. [13]
    Метод Е. Авериной [5]
    Иностранный за 200 часов
    Метод Блумфилда. [3]
    Метод И. Гивенталь [8]
    Психолингвистические формулы-ПЛФ.
    Метод И.Шальнова [52]
    Метод Коменского. [4]
    Наглядный метод
    Аудиовизуальный метод. [5]
    Метод С. Жуковой-де-Бовэ [4]
    метод П. Тюленева [3]
    Метод САВКО
    Метод С. Крашена [3]
    Метод Берлица. [4]
    Метод "полного погружения"
    Метод Гуэна [2]
    Метод внутренней наглядности.
    Метод Палмера [5]
    Устный метод.
    Метод Уэста. [6]
    Reading Method
    Метод Ратихия. [6]
    Сознательный метод
    метод Жакото [3]
    Драматико-педагогический метод [2]
    Метод молчания [5]
    Армейский метод [5]
    Методики Н. Зайцева [5]
    Метод А. Гольцова [2]
    Быстрый учитель
    Метод М. Голденкова [3]
    Метод В.Левенталя [4]
    Метод CLP [3]
    Центр языковой психологии.
    Метод Л. Рон Хаббарда [8]
    Метод Ашера. [9]
    Метод полной физической реакции (TRP)
    Метод Огдена. [11]
    Basic English
    Метод Т. Трушниковой [4]
    Системно-модельный суперэкспресс-метод
    Школа Бенедикт. [2]
    Прямой метод
    Метод Лозанова. [16]
    Метод В. В. Петрусинского [3]
    Полиэкранный метод [10]
    Метод Р. Бажина [15]
    Метод ЕШКО [2]
    Метод Шлимана [8]
    Метод Морозова [14]
    Метод Щербы. [41]
    Метод Н. Бодрова [13]
    Метод С.Г.Тер-Минасовой [2]
    Лингвосоциокультурный метод.
    метод Дины Никуличевой [6]
    Метод Каллан [6]
    Метод УМИН [21]
    Методики В. Биркенбиль [1]
    Метод Милашевича [12]
    Метод Р.Вельдера [4]
    Синергетический метод
    Метод Р.Аткинсона. [1]
    "Keyword method"-метод ключевых слов
    Метод А. Зильбермана [10]
    «Языковой мост»
    Метод С.Гарибяна [10]
    Мнемонический метод
    Метод Фонетических Ассоциаций. [7]
    Метод Л. Некина [15]
    Метод Билла Парсонза [2]
    метод «полного погружения»
    Метод В. Воробьева [3]
    Метод А. Кушнира [2]
    метод DNA School [1]
    Метод BROADCAST [2]
    Метод И.М. Румянцевой [1]
    Интегративный лингво-психологический тренинг (ИЛПТ)
    Метод Т. Н. Игнатовой [1]
    Метод И. Давыдовой [3]
    Методика HeadWay [2]
    Методика Глена Домана [6]
    Методика А. Н. Комарова [2]
    Метод Пимслера. [2]
    Методика преподавания РКИ [3]
    Метод P-ESL [3]
    Метод А.Парибка [1]
    Методика В.Г. Гвинерия [1]
    Метод А. Хоуг (А.J.Нoge) [2]
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    Начало » Статьи » Методика изучения языков » Метод Огдена.

    2 000 слов от Огдена (BASIC ENGLISH -Combined)

    Basic English Combined Word Lists

    Basic English consists of 850 words that can express the meanings that can be found in a pocket dictionary. This is then expanded with 100 words of a general area of interest - science or business, and 50 words of a specialty within that general area. Thus any student's vocabulary is 1,000 words, plus certain prefixes and suffixes. A list of international words is assumed to be known. Compound words made up of Basic words, where the origin makes sense, are also allowed. As are new words made from adding the allowed endings, -er, -ed, -ing. Ogden provides a growth plan, the First Addendum and the Next Step to the 2,000 word level. He considers the 2,000 word level to have achieved standard English. Therefore, this list approximates a minimum standard English wordlist whereafter the student can proceed on his own without difficulty.
    This maximum Basic English word list must not be confused with the definition of Basic English as 850 words plus 150 specialty words. This maximum list is simply what the advanced student, with an interest in all general areas - not specialties - will know when transiting from the Basic English language to standard English language. It actually contains well over two thousand words. In fact, the student is expected to know one specialty (science, business, verse, etc.) topic with an additional 50 words that are not of interest to the general audience (chemistry, geology, economics, Bible, etc.).

    VOA Special English has a 1,500 word vocabulary -- expanded with prefix and suffix and an addendum of science words. VOA Special English is used every day in international news broadcasts -- thus proving that a simple vocabulary is effective. As such, VOA Special English would be considered by Ogden to be a specialty area of international news. Ogden sought the advice of Radio Committees in different countries for a radio specialty word list and a preliminary list is included here. It consists of 248 words of general interest, not limited to news.

    It will be interesting to compare VOA Special English with an approximately same sized lists of Basic English. Selection from the various Basic English lists to limit to 1,500 words will be somewhat arbitrary. Basic English 1500 will consist of the 850, the general topic areas, news parts of the radio specialty list, and enough of the Basic English "next step" list to make the 1,500 number. Direct comparison may not be totally appropriate, but it will be interesting to see what two lists of a 1,500 word level vocabulary (nominal) looks like. This page is preparatory to making a side by side listing.

    Basic: a , able, about, account, acid, across, act, addition, adjustment, advertisement, agreement, after, again, against, air, all, almost, am, among, amount, amusement, an, and, angry, angle, animal, answer, ant, any, apparatus, apple, approval, arch, argument, arm, army, art, as, association, at, attack, attempt, attention, attitude, attraction, authority, automatic, awake .
    Intl: alcohol , Algebra , aluminum , ammonia , anesthetic , April , Arithmetic , asbestos , August , autobus , automobile .
    Next: absence , absorption , acceleration , acceptance , accessory , accident , active , address , adjacent , adventure , advice , age , agent , agency , ago , allowance , along , also , alternative , always , ambition , amplitude , anchor , ankle , appendage , application , approximation , arbitration , arbitrary , arc , area , arrangement , ash , asset , assistant , average , awkward , axis .
    Compound: aftereffect, afftertaste, afterthought, aircushion, airman, airmen, airplane, airtight, another, anybody, anyhow, anyone, anything, anywhere, away .
    Endings: actor, acting .

    Basic: baby, back, bad, bag, balance, ball, band, base, basin, basket, bath, be, beautiful, because, bed, bee, been, before, behavior, belief, bell, bent, berry, best, better, between, bird, birth, bit, bite, bitter, black, blade, blood, blow, blue, board, boat, body, bone, book, boot, boiling, bottle, box, boy, brain, brake, branch, brass, bread, breath, brick, bridge, bright, broken, brother, brown, brush, bucket, building, bulb, button, burn, burst, business, but, butter, by.
    Intl: ballet , Bang , bank , bar , beef , beer , Biology , bomb .
    Next: balcony , bale , bankrupt , bark , barrel , beak , beaker , beard , beat , behind , belt , bet , bill , birefringence , blame , blanket , both , bottom , brave , break, breakfast , breast , broker , bubble , bud , budget , buoyancy , bunch , burial , busy .
    Compound: backbone, backwoods, become, became, bedroom, beeswax, birthday, birthright, blackberry, blackbird, blackboard, bloodvessel, bluebell, bookkeeper, brushwood, buttercup .
    Endings: basing, based , builder , burner, burned, burning .

    Basic: cake, camera, canvas, card, care, carriage, cart, cat, cause, certain, chain, chalk, chance, change, cheap, cheese, chemical, chest, chief, chin, church, circle, class, clean, clear, clock, cloth, cloud, coal, coat, cold, collar, color, comb, come, comfort, committee, community, common, company, comparison, competition, complete, complex, computer, condition, connection, conscious, control, cook, copper, copy, cord, cork, cotton, cough, country, cover, cow, crack, credit, crime, cruel, crush, cry, culture, cup, custom, current, curtain, curve, cushion, cut.
    Intl: cafe , calendar , catarrh , cent , centi- , champagne , chauffeur , chemist , Chemistry , check , chocolate , chorus , cigarette , circus , citron , club , coffee , cocktail , cognac , College , colony .
    Next: calculation , call , came , capacity , capital , carpet , cartilage , case , cast , cave , cavity , cell , ceremony , certificate , chair , character, charge , child , chimney , china , choice , circulation , circuit , circumference , civilization , clay , claim , claw , cleavage , clever , client , climber, clip , code , coil , collision , collection , column , combination , combine , communications , complaint , component , compound , concept , concrete , conductor , congruent , conservation , consignment , constant , consumer , continuous , contour , convenient , conversion , cool , corner , correlation , corrosion , cost , court , creeper , crop , cross , cunning , cusp , customs .
    Compound: cardboard, carefree, caretaker, clockwork, commonsense, copyright, cupboard .
    Endings: carter, clothier, clothing , cooker, cooked, cooking , crying.

    Basic: damage, danger, dark, daughter, day, dead, dear, death, debt, decision, deep, degree, delicate, dependent, design, desire, destruction, detail, development, did , different, digestion, direction, dirty, discovery, discussion, disease, disgust, distance, distribution, division, do , does , dog, done , door, down, doubt, drain, drawer, dress, drink, driving, drop, dry, dust.
    Intl: dance , December , deci- , degree , dollar , Dominion , dynamite .
    Next: damping , date , debit , deck , decrease , defect , deficiency , deflation, degenerate , delivery , demand , denominator , department , desert , density , deposit , determining, dew , diameter , difference , difficulty , drift, dike , dilution, dinner , dip , direct, disappearance , discharge, discount, disgrace , dislike , dissipation, disturbance, ditch , dive , divisor , divorce , doll , domesticating , dreadful , dream , duct , dull , duty .
    Compound: daylight, downfall .
    Endings: daily, dancer, dancing (to) , designer, dressing (up), driver , dropped, dropper , duster.

    Basic: ear, early, earth, east, edge, education, effect, egg, elastic, electric, end, engine, enough, environment, equal, error, even, event, ever, every, example, exchange, existence, expansion, experience, expert, eye.
    Intl: eight , electricity , eleven , Embassy , Empire , encyclopedia , engineer , euro .
    Next: each , easy , economy , efficiency , effort , either , elimination , employer , employment , empty , enemy , envelope , environment, envy , equation , erosion, eruption , evaporation , evening , exact , excitement , experiment, exercise , explanation , explosion , export , expression , extinction , eyebrow , eyelash .
    Compound: ear-ring, earthwork, evergreen, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, eyeball .

    Basic: face , fact , fall , false , family , far , farm , farther , fat , father , fear , feather , feeble , feeling , female , fertile , fiction , field , fight , finger , fire , first , fish , fixed , flag , flame , flat , flight , floor , flower , fly , fold , food , foolish , foot , for , force , fork , form , forward , fowl , frame , free , frequent , friend , from , front , fruit , full , further , future .
    Intl: February , fifteen , fifth , fifty , five , four , fourteen , fourth , forty , Friday .
    Next: factor , failure , fair , famous , fan , fastening , fault, ferment, fertilizing , fever , fiber , figure , fin , financial , flash , flask , flesh , flood , flour , focus , forecast , forehead , foreign , forgiveness , fraction , fracture , fresh , friction , flint , flood , flow , foliation , frost , frozen , fume , funnel , funny , fur , furnace , furniture , fusion .
    Compound: fatherland, fingerprint, firearm, fire-engine, firefly, fireman, fireplace, firework, first-rate, football, footlights, footman, footnote, footprint, footstep .
    Endings: farmer , fisher(man) , folder , fired, firing.

    Basic: gave , garden , general , get , girl , give , glass , glove , go , goat , goes , gold , gone , good , got , gat , government , grain , grass , great , green , grey/gray , grip , group , growth , guide , gun .
    Intl: gas , Geography , Geology , Geometry , gram , glycerin .
    Next: gate , generation , germ , germinating , gill, glacier , gland, god , grand , grateful , grating , gravel , grease , grief , grocery , groove , gross, ground , guard , guarantee, guess , gum .
    Compound: gasworks, goldfish, goodlooking, good-morning, goodnight, gunboat, gun-carriage, gunmetal, gunpowder .
    Endings: gardener .

    Basic: had , hair , hammer , hand , hanging , happy , harbor , hard , harmony , has , hat , hate , hath , have , he , head , healthy , hearing , heart , heat , helicopter , help , her , here , heredity , high , him , history , hole , hollow , hook , hope , horn , horse , hospital , hour , house , how , humor .
    Intl: half , hiss , hotel , hundred , hyena , hygiene , hysteria .
    Next: habit , handkerchief , handle , heavy , hedge , hill , hinge, hire , hold , holiday , home , honest , honey , hoof , host , human , hunt , hurry , hurt , husband .
    Compound: handbook, handwriting, headdress, headland, headstone, headway, hereafter, herewith, highlands, highway, himself, horseplay, horsepower, hourglass, houseboat, housekeeper, however .
    Endings: hanger, heater, heated, heating .

    Basic: I , ice , idea , if , ill , important , impulse , in , increase , industry , ink , insect , instrument , insurance , interest , invention , iron , is , island , it , its .
    Intl: Imperial , inch, inferno , influenza , international .
    Next: igneous , image , imagination , import , impurity , incentive, inclusion , index , individual , inflation , infinity , inheritance , innocent , institution , insulator , integer, integration, intelligent , intercept, internet, interpretation , intersection, intrusion , investigation , investment , inverse , invitation .
    Compound: inasmuch, income, indoors, inland, inlet, input, inside, instep, into, itself .
    Endings: inner

    Basic: jelly , jewel , join , journey , judge , jump .
    Intl: January , jazz , July , June .
    Next: jam , jaw , jealous , jerk , joint , jug , juice , jury , justice .
    Endings: jeweler , joiner .

    Basic: keep , kept , kettle , key , kick , kind , kiss , knee , knife , knot , knowledge .
    Intl: kilo- , King .
    Next: kennel , kidney , kitchen , knock
    Endings: keeper .

    Basic: land , language , last , late , laugh , law , lead , leaf , learning , least, leather , leg , left , less , let , letter , level , library , lift , light , like , limit , line , linen , lip , liquid , list , little , living , lock , long , loose , loss , loud , love , low .
    Intl: latitude , lava , liter , liqueur , longitude .
    Next: lace , lag , lake , lame , lamp , large , latitude, lawyer , layer, lazy , lecture , legal , length, lens , lesson , lever , lever , liability , license , lid , life , lime , limestone, link, liver , load , local , load , loan, locus , look , longitude , luck , lump , lunch , lung .
    Compound: landmark, landslip, lighthouse, looking-glass .
    Endings: laughing (at), learner ,likely, locker, locking (up).

    Basic: machine , made , man , manager , make , male , map , mark , market , married , match , material , mass , may , me , meal , measure , meat , medical , meeting , memory , metal , middle , might , military , milk , mind , mine , minute , mist , mixed , money , monkey , month , moon , more, morning , most , mother , motion , mountain , mouth , move , much , muscle , music , my , .
    Intl: macaroni , madam , magnetic , malaria , mania , March , Mathematics , May , meter , meow , micro- , microscope , mile , milli- , million , minute , Monday , Museum .
    Next: magic , magnitude, manner , many , marble , margin , marriage , mast , mattress , mature , mean , meaning , medicine , medium, melt , member , mess , message , metabolism , mill , mineral , mixture , model , modern , modest , momentum , monopoly , mood , moral , moustache , mud , multiple , multiplication , murder .
    Compound: manhole, maybe , myself .
    Endings: marked , miner .

    Basic: nail , name , narrow , nation , natural , near , necessary , neck , need , needle , nerve , net , never , new , news , night , no , noise , normal , north , nose , not , note , now , number , nut .
    Intl: neutron , nickel , nicotine , nine , November .
    Next: nasty , nature , navy , neat , neglect , neighbor , nest , next , nice , node , nostril , nuclear, nucleus , numerator , nurse .
    Compound: network, newspaper, nobody, nothing, nowhere .
    Endings: nearer , noted .

    Basic: observation , of , off , offer , office , oil , old , on , one ,only , open , operation , opinion , opposite , or , orange , order , organization , ornament , other , our , out , oven , over , owner.
    Intl: October , olive , once , omelet , one , opera , opium , orchestra , organism .
    Next: obedient , officer , orchestra , ore , organ , origin , outcrop , outlier , overlap , oval , own , oxidation .
    Compound: offspring, oncoming, oneself, onlooker, onto, outburst, outcome, outcry, outdoor, outgoing, outhouse, outlaw, outlet, outline, outlook, output, outside, outskirts, outstretched, overacting, overall overbalancing, overbearing, overcoat, overcome, overdo, overdressed, overfull, overhanging, overhead, overland, overleaf, overloud, overseas, overseer, overshoe, overstatement, overtake, overtaxed, overtime overturned, overuse, overvalued, overweight, overworking .
    Endings: outer

    Basic: page , pain , paint , paper , parallel , parcel , part , past , paste , payment , peace , pen , pencil , person , physical , picture , pig , pin , pipe , place , plane , plant , plate , play , please , pleasure , plough/plow , pocket , point , poison , polish , political , poor , porter , position , possible , pot , potato , powder , power , present , price , print , prison , private , probable , process , produce , profit , property , prose , protest , public , pull , pump , punishment , purpose , push , put .
    Intl: pajamas , paraffin , paradise , park , passport , patent , pence, penny, penguin , petroleum , phonograph , Physics , Physiology , piano , platinum , police , post , potash , pound , President , Prince , Princess , program , propaganda , Psychology , Purr , pyramid .
    Next: packing , pad , pair , pan , paragraph , parent , particle , partner , party , passage , path , patience , pedal , pendulum , pension , people , perfect , petal , piston , plain, plan, plaster , plug , poetry , pollen , pool , population , porcelain , practice , praise , prayer , pressure , prick , priest, prime , probability , product , progress , projectile , projection , promise , proof , proud , pulley , pupil , purchase , pure .
    Compound: pincushion, plaything , policeman, postman, postmark, postmaster, postoffice.
    Endings: painter, painting , parting , playing, played , pleased (with) , pointer, pointing (at) , potter , printer , prisoner , producer,

    Basic: quality , question , quick , quiet , quite .
    Intl: Quack , quarter , Queen , quinine .
    Next: quantity , quotient.

    Basic: rail , rain , range , rat , rate , ray , reaction , red , reading , ready , reason , receipt , record , regret , regular , relation , religion , representative , request , respect , responsible , rest , reward , rhythm , rice , right , ring , river , road , rod , roll , roof , room , root , rough , round , rub , rule , run .
    Intl: radio , radium , referendum , restaurant , rheumatism , Royal , rum .
    Next: race , radiation, ratio, reagent , real , receiver , reciprocal , rectangle , recurring , reference , reflux , reinforcement , relative , remark , remedy , rent , repair , reproduction , repulsion , resistance , residue , resolution , result , retail , revenge , reversible , rich , rigidity , rise, rival , rock , rot , rotation , rude , rust .
    Compound: reasonable , runaway .
    Endings: raining, reader, reading , roller , ruler , rubber

    Basic: sad , said , safe , sail , salt , same , sand , saw , say , scale , school , science , scissors , screw , sea , seat , second , secret , secretary , see , seed , seen . seem , selection , self , send , sense , sent , separate , serious , servant , sex , shade , shake , shame , sharp , she , sheep , shelf , ship , shirt , shock , shoe , short , shut , side , sign , silk , silver , simple , sister , size , skin , skirt , sky , sleep , slip , slope , slow , small , smash , smell , smile , smoke , smooth , snake , sneeze , snow , so , soap , society , sock , soft , solid , some , son , song , sort , sound , soup , south , space , spade , special , sponge , spoon , spring , square , stage , standard , stamp , star , start , statement , station , steam , steel , stem , step , stick , sticky , stiff , still , stitch , stocking , stomach , stone , stop , store , story , straight , strange , street , strong , structure , substance , such , sudden , sugar , suggestion , summer , sun , support , surprise , sweet , swim , system .
    Intl: salad , sardine , Saturday , second , September , serum , seven , sir , six , sixteen , sport , Sunday .
    Next: sac , sale , sample , satisfaction , saturated , saucer , saving, scale , scarp , schist , scratch , screen , seal , search , security , secretion , section, sedimentary , selfish , sensitivity , sentence , sepal , service , set , shadow , shale, share, shave , shear, sheet , shell , shore , shoulder , show , sight , sill , similarity , since , skull , slate , sleeve , slide , social , soil, soldier , solution , solvent , sorry , spark , specialization, specimen , speculation , spirit , spit , splash , spot , stable , stain , stair , stalk , stamen , statistics , steady , stimulus, storm , strain , straw , stream , strength , stress , strike , string , study , subject , substitution , subtraction, success , successive, sucker , sum , supply , surface , surgeon , suspension, suspicious , swelling, swing , switch , sympathetic .
    Compound: seaman, secondhand, shorthand, sideboard, sidewalk, somebody, someday, somehow, someone, something, sometime, somewhat, somewhere, suchlike, sunburn, sunlight, sunshade, sweetheart .
    Endings: sailor , shocking, shocked, snowing , steamer, stopper, stopping (up) , stretcher,.

    Basic: table , tail , take , talk , tall , taste , tax , teaching , technology, tendency , test , than , that , the , their , them , then , theory , there , these , they , thick , thin , thing , this , those , though , thought , thread , throat , through , thumb , thunder , ticket , tight , tired , till , time , tin , to , toe , together , tomorrow , tongue , took, tooth , top , touch , town , trade , train , transport , tray , tree , trick , trousers , true , trouble , turn , twist .
    Intl: tapioca , taxi , tea , telegram , telephone , television, ten , terrace , theater , thermometer , third , thirteen , thirty , thousand , three , Thursday , toast , tobacco , torpedo , Tuesday , turbine , twenty-one , twelve , twenty , twice , two .
    Next: tailor , tame , tap , tear , tent , term, texture , thickness , thief , thimble , thorax , threat , thrust , tide , tie , tissue , tongs , too , total , towel , tower , traffic , tragedy , transmission , transparent , trap , travel , treatment , triangle , truck , tube , tune , tunnel , twin , typist .
    Compound: today, tonight, tradesman .
    Endings: talking (of), teacher , touching (up) , trader , trainer , training, troubling, troubled , turning (over) .

    Basic: umbrella , under , unit , up, us , use .
    Intl: university .
    Next: ugly , unconformity , understanding , universe , unknown .
    Compound: underclothing, undercooked, undergo, undergrowth, undermined, undersigned, undersized, understatement, undertake, undervalued, undo, upkeep, uplift, upon, upright, uproot, uptake .
    Endings: used (to) .

    Basic: value , verse , very , vessel , view , violent , voice .
    Intl: vanilla , violin , visa , vitamin , vodka , volt .
    Next: valency , valley , valve , vapor , variable, vascular, vegetable , velocity , vestigial , victim , victory , volume , vortex, vote .
    Compound: viewpoint .

    Basic: walk , wall , waiting , war , warm , was , wash , waste , watch , water , wave , wax , way , we , weather , week , weight , well , went, were , west , wet , what , wheel , when , where , which , while , whip , whistle , white , who , whom , whose , why , wide , will , wind , window , wine , wing , winter , wire , wise , with , woman , wood , wool , word , work , worm , would , wound , writing , wrong .
    Intl: Wednesday , whisky .
    Next: weak , wedge , welcome , whether , wholesale , widow , wife , wild , world , wreck , wrist .
    Compound: waterfall, weekend, well-being, well-off, whatever, whenever, whereas, whereby, wherever, whichever, whitewash, whoever, windpipe, within, without, woodwork, workhouse .
    Endings: waiter , worker , working (on, out, up) , writer , waiting, wasted .

    X , Y your, yours , Z
    Basic: year , yellow , yes , yesterday , you , young .
    Intl: zebra , zinc , Zoology .
    Next: yawn.
    Compound: x-ray, yearbook, yourself , zookeeper 1.
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="format"


    Другие материалы по теме

    Источник: http://ogden.basic-english.org/word2000.html
    Категория: Метод Огдена. | Добавил: tivita (10.06.2007) | Автор: Charles K. Ogden
    Просмотров: 8379 | Рейтинг: 0.0 |
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